CFA GC. RW Elizabethcat Atlantic Alexandrite
Seal Point Siamese Male

CFA 2005-2006 11th Best Kitten in Japan Region
CFA 2005-2006 9th Best Siamese Kitten, Nationally
CFA 2005-2006 2nd Best of Breed
(Best of Breed = GC. Elizabethcat Ambassador Lucy, Thank you RU!)
CFA 2005-2006 Best Seal Point
CFA 2006-2007 10th Best Siamese Cat, Nationally
CFA 2006-2007 2nd Best Seal Point, Nationally
CFA 2006-2007 Best of Breed
CFA2006-2007 Best Seal Point


13 times Best Kitten
Best Kitten 5 of 8 at Dream Catchers Cat Club show in Osaka
Highest scoring Kitten at Norwegian Forest Cat Club show in Tokyo
April the 9th 2006, AB 2nd Best Cat as an "Open" at Nishi-Nihon Cat Club show in Osaka
May the 6th 2006, AB Best Cat at Japan Shaded Fanciers show in Tokyo
June the 4th 2006, Lack of 1 point ! for 2 shows Grand Champion at Portland show in Tokyo
June the 24th 2006, Congratulation Alex ! Grand Champion.